Brendan and I have been working together since January 2015 and his story & transformation is incredible. I hope someone, somewhere reads this and is motivated by Brendan's journey and it triggers them to start their own...

Brendan and I have been working together since January 2015 and his story & transformation is incredible. I hope someone, somewhere reads this and is motivated by Brendan's journey and it triggers them to start their own...

I have coached Imogen for over 2 years online, helping her compete in 3 different competitions and being crowned Pure Elite overall Champion. Here is an insight into her background, her motivation and what she finds most difficult about training...

I have coached Imogen for over 2 years online, helping her compete in 3 different competitions and being crowned Pure Elite overall Champion. Here is an insight into her background, her motivation and what she finds most difficult about training...

Leanne tells her story of her experience taking part in the 12-Week Photoshoot Challenge. Leanne is experienced in the gym and has been training for years, but just wanted that extra guidance to push past her sticking point and to try and shift some…

Leanne tells her story of her experience taking part in the 12-Week Photoshoot Challenge. Leanne is experienced in the gym and has been training for years, but just wanted that extra guidance to push past her sticking point and to try and shift some body fat from stubborn body parts (legs). Leanne did amazing, dropping from 150-134lbs in 12 weeks, getting the leanest she ever has.

'Meet the Client' is all about hearing different client's stories and hearing things from someone else's side. Roger's story is simply inspirational! In 2009 after reaching over 140kg he decided to make a change after struggling to get employed…

'Meet the Client' is all about hearing different client's stories and hearing things from someone else's side. Roger's story is simply inspirational! In 2009 after reaching over 140kg he decided to make a change after struggling to get employed. Today Roger has dropped almost half his bodyweight and has recently undergone an abdominoplasty to remove 3kg of excess skin due to his weight loss. Today Roger and I are planning and mapping out his next 12 months training in the lead up to his first ever competition. Our goal is to get Roger on stage October 2017 in Pure Elite's 'Transformation' Category...

I’d like to introduce Dave who took part in my 12-Week Photoshoot Challenge and got some insane results… (as you can see!). Dave was a pleasure to coach, really brought into the whole process 110% and was just like a sponge the 12 weeks, just soakin…

I’d like to introduce Dave who took part in my 12-Week Photoshoot Challenge and got some insane results… (as you can see!). Dave was a pleasure to coach, really brought into the whole process 110% and was just like a sponge the 12 weeks, just soaking up everything I told him!

Charlie tells her story from taking part in the 12-Week Photoshoot Challenge and how she went from 71kg > 61kg in just 12 weeks!

Charlie tells her story from taking part in the 12-Week Photoshoot Challenge and how she went from 71kg > 61kg in just 12 weeks!

Mike tells his story of how he fell into loving fitness and overcame the initial fear he had of entering the gym in the first place, which I think many people reading will be able to relate to. Here is his story...

Mike tells his story of how he fell into loving fitness and overcame the initial fear he had of entering the gym in the first place, which I think many people reading will be able to relate to. Here is his story...

I'd like to introduce my most inspirational client and friend, Ros. Ros has been through more in her lifetime than many people could ever imagine. Here she tells her story of overcoming her illnesses with fitness...

I'd like to introduce my most inspirational client and friend, Ros. Ros has been through more in her lifetime than many people could ever imagine. Here she tells her story of overcoming her illnesses with fitness...

Everyone has a different reason and motivation behind wanting to take part in the 12-Week Photoshoot Challenge. Manoher took part with the goal of being in the best shape of his life on his 40th birthday, and we certainly smashed that goal out the p…

Everyone has a different reason and motivation behind wanting to take part in the 12-Week Photoshoot Challenge. Manoher took part with the goal of being in the best shape of his life on his 40th birthday, and we certainly smashed that goal out the park! This is his story…