Mike Nutting

"I haven’t always been into fitness. All throughout my college, uni, and first few years of my working life, I never gave it a second thought. I always had a pre-conceived idea about people who went to the gym and that if I stepped inside one, I would get funny looks and laughed at with sneers of “what’s he doing here!?”.

When I did start to become conscious of my body and ever increasing beer belly, I thought running was the answer. I didn’t have to go anywhere near a gym - I’d go on hourly runs, four times a week and just live off cereal, thinking I was eating less and burning more calories, how could I possibly fail but lose weight. It worked. My weight dropped, but from all the wrong areas. My upper body became skinny, but the beer belly remained. Despite this I kept up the running, even increased the distance I was going thinking everything would magically all of a sudden click into place and I’d have the body I was looking for.

When I eventually plucked up the courage and stepped inside a gym, I realised it was no where near as intimidating as I thought it would be. I’d built up such an idea in my head when in reality, it was the opposite. Most people were too busy concentrating on their own training to even notice anyone else. I didn’t know what all the fuss was about. I just wished i’d realised sooner than I did.

On my induction at my local gym, I was given a 12 week program to follow, a full body workout, repeated 3/4 times a week. At the time I didn’t know any better, I guess it was a good program to get me started and familiar with all the machines. After the first 12 weeks I was told they’d write another program for me, which they did, but after 6 months I didn’t see any progress. I had no idea what I was doing, I was left to it, my form was shocking, I was clueless what muscle I was meant to be targeting with each exercise and my diet was still just as bad. I was wasting time. I knew if I wanted to see significant results I needed the help of a professional.

I started to look online for Personal Trainers and scrolled through social media, that’s where I stumbled across Adam. He’s sponsored by a massive supplements company and had just won Muscle Model at the Miami Pro World Championships, his own physique was awesome, and as Brendan said in the first ‘Meet the Client’ “Who wants a personal trainer who doesn’t practice what they preach”. But it wasn’t this that appealed to me most - I noticed a lot of personal trainers would mainly post pictures of themselves, their own transformation and endless selfies of their shredded bodies, but what stood out to me was that Adam could have easily done the same, but he didn’t - his social media page was focused more on results and the incredible transformations he was achieving with his clients.

This is what made me want to approach Adam, but to be completely honest I was really apprehensive about contacting him. I wasn’t in great shape, hadn’t been training long and didn’t have much experience and really know what I was doing. I had no desire to step on stage and compete, I didn’t want to do a photoshoot, I wasn’t trying to get in shape for a wedding or holiday etc. I had no definitive goal other than I was getting depressed and wanted some help. I thought why would someone like Adam want to spend any of his time helping me? In the end I knew I had nothing to lose.

Ever since Adam’s first email to me, he’s been awesome. Everything was fully explained, the training programme he wrote for me was so detailed and easy to understand. The nutrition plan was tailor made to my likes and dislikes, not once have I felt like I am ‘on a diet’. Always on-hand to answer any of my questions as well, no matter how stupid I sounded, he was always happy to help.

I quickly started to see results and once I saw progression, I became addicted.

Adam has been my coach for about two years now. The first year flew by. Adam would consistently monitor my progress, tweaking things along the way and always keep me motivated. I’m fortunate to live close enough to train one-to-one with Adam as well which has been absolutely invaluable. Every session is intense - he knows how to get the best out of you and to push you out of your comfort zone. I never stop learning whenever I see Adam. His enthusiasm and passion for the fitness industry is infectious and it has helped me to achieve results I never thought possible.

Training gave me the confidence I lacked, and despite initially never dreaming of doing a photoshoot, I wanted to see how far I could push myself and booking a photoshoot gave me a reason to do it. I can’t explain how having a goal like that, a target to hit, gives you that extra drive and determination - It was one of the best experiences I have had. So much so that I will do another one next year. My photoshoot was in December last year, this entire year I have been ‘off season’ working closely as ever with Adam to build up my strength and get bigger. I can’t wait to start prepping for my photoshoot next year and see the progress (#gainz) we have made.

You only have to look through all of Adam’s transformations on his website, to see he knows what he’s talking about and gets results. Adam transforms men and women of all ages, shapes and sizes, it doesn’t matter what condition you are currently in, if you have a genuine desire to change and are willing to put the work in, I couldn’t recommend him enough."