Imogen Parfitt

"I used to suffer with an eating disorder, and I was told that I had to make a change to the way I was living or I would continue to deteriorate and ultimately, I would die. I used to starve myself and became extremely poorly and underweight, I felt trapped. 

I looked at fitness models and I admired not only their physique, but also the dedication it takes. I decided that if I started training and eating well, I would become strong and I felt comfortable with that, I didn’t feel like I was getting ‘fat’ I was getting fit instead. 

After about a year of training, and full recovery, I then decided to enter a competition. I was back to a healthy body weight and more importantly, my mind was healthy again and I felt ready for the next challenge. 

I have been training for about 3 years now. My experience is only through learning from others, my own research and of course, my coach. Adam and I have been working together for 2 years now, and the change in my physique over that period of time is really amazing. I have built muscle, lost fat, won competitions and found a new love and passion for the fitness industry which Adam helped me to explore and develop. 

I approached Adam initially after meeting him at Body Power with a friend in May 2014. I wanted to do a show, and he came recommended to me by my friend who he was helping at the time. I knew that a show is a really big commitment and I wanted to spend that time and share the journey with someone who I felt as though I could trust and would bring me to the best condition I could possibly achieve. Seeing Adam’s previous clients and talking things over with him, it was clear to see that he was the right guy for the job, so I had no reservations when we started working together. 

2 years on and I am still so happy. My goals are constantly evolving and Adam is always up to date with my plans and making changes I need to make to hit each goal that we set. It feels like team work. 

I love training because it’s ‘me time’. It’s when I can forget about everything else happening, switch off and just focus on my work out. When I am at the gym, nothing else really matters. I put on my headphones and focus on each exercise. I think I probably look quite scary when I train… I don’t really even talk to my friends! I like to get the job done and pay all my attention to my session. And maybe take a selfie! 

The hardest part for me is definitely competition prep. It tends to take over, and whilst you can do your best to keep some kind of balance, it isn’t possible to relax in the same way you can when you don’t have a show coming up. It’s little things like going out for drinks after work, having dinner with friends and even the luxury of just a milky coffee that I miss! The training is easy (for the most part) – that’s the bit I love. But you won’t realise how much of your life actually revolves around food or drink until you suddenly can’t have it anymore. You learn how to make it work though, and it is only for a short period of time. So I tell myself to suck it up and get on with it!

I have a show on November 5th for the Pure Elite Pro show at London O2 arena. I don’t have long left now, so my goals are really focusing on getting to the condition I want to be, and making sure every day is perfect. It’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself, but I find that if I tell myself ‘just do your best’ that leaves a lot of room for me to relax and justify it! Instead, I aim for 100% every single time. You have to keep yourself motivated somehow, and that’s my way. 

Lots of people ask me if I find it strange having a male coach even though I am a female, and I really don’t understand that question at all! Adam has always been professional and supportive and it makes no difference to me whatsoever the fact he is a guy. I have achieved so much in my 2 years with Adam including sponsorships, magazine covers, photoshoots, videoshoots and a huge rise in my following. Adam has always thoroughly supported me and shared my excitement."