Brendan O'Reilly

"In 2014 at the age of 45 finding myself considerably overweight, I was 20st 4lb, I resolved to lose weight. That year I managed to lose 3 stone on my own accord, but knew especially on past experience of different diets and no real exercise, I would rebound and I was likely to put the weight back on.

So in January 2015 I resolved to build on what I had achieved by using a personal trainer, for the discipline yes, but more importantly their expertise around nutrition and training which I had little to no knowledge of.

I came across Adam when I looked online for a Personal Trainer near to where I worked and then checked out his social media sites. The reason I chose Adam was, yes he looked like he trained (who wants a PT who doesn’t practice what they preach), but also because of his experience and qualifications to be a PT, he was not just another social media fitness expert with no training or education to do the job.

In January 2015 I started working with Adam and have never looked back. Adam nailed and made the nutrition easy for me and ensured the nutrition plan was something I could follow and enjoy which is fundamental if you are going to stick to a plan. I was fortunate to be able to train with Adam on a 1:1 basis and it was challenging but with consistency in my nutrition and the variety and expert form Adam bought to my training the results came and that just gave me more impetus to carry on - success breeds success. The picture shows the results and I lost a further 4 stone working with Adam and I know in my heart I would not have achieved these results without his expertise, help and support. I have just been to the US on holiday and for the first time in my life I felt good taking my top off at the beach and by the pool, and people I have not seen in a while don’t recognise me!

Today at the age of 47 my knowledge of nutrition and training is far superior and will stand me in good stead. I have the confidence to train on my own but to this day I still train with Adam and Adam still provides me with my nutrition plan. The weight has not returned and I am fitter and healthier now than at any time in my life. This year we worked on building muscle and have achieved that goal, and just recently I have started working with Adam on my next goal which is strength building.

My top tip to anyone looking to transform their physique is take pictures of your starting point and progress pics. It was not until Adam told me to take pictures and he showed me the pic of my starting point to the progress pic here that I realised what I had achieved. It goes without saying I would recommend Adam, my life and health are better and yes I did the work but I could never have achieved what I did without Adam."